Small Animal Nursing Supplies

Welcome to Pet City's selection of small animal nursing products, where we offer everything you need to ensure the health and growth of your smallest pets. Our range includes specially designed nursing bottles and high-quality milk replacers that mimic natural diets, providing essential nutrients for young and recovering animals. These products are crucial for proper development and can be life-saving for pets needing extra care. With our nursing solutions, you can feel confident providing the best possible care to ensure your furry friends grow up strong and healthy. Explore our collection to find the perfect nursing essentials for your little ones.


What are the basic essential nursing supplies for small animals that I need?

Essential small animal nursing supplies include nursing bottles equipped with latex teats, high-quality milk replacers tailored to specific species' nutritional needs, and heat pads to maintain body temperature. These items ensure proper feeding and warmth, which are critical for the health and growth of young or recovering small animals.

How often should I replace my small animal nursing supplies?

Replace supplies in your small animal nursing kit, such as bottles and latex teats, regularly to ensure hygiene and safety. Typically, bottles and teats should be replaced every few weeks or sooner if they show signs of wear or damage. Heat pads and other durable items can last longer but should be checked frequently for safety.