Small Animal Cage Cleaner

Keep your little furry friend’s habitat fresh and clean with Pet City's range of small animal cage cleaners. These products are specially formulated to effectively remove odours, stains, and bacteria, providing a hygienic environment for your pet. Whether you have rabbits, guinea pigs, rats or mice, our cage cleaners are gentle yet powerful, ensuring a safe space for your pet. Discover convenience and peace of mind with a small animal cage cleaner designed to maintain cleanliness without harsh chemicals, making it easier to enjoy quality time with your pet.


Are there any safe, non-toxic cage cleaners for small animals?

Yes, there are safe and non-toxic cage cleaners available for small animals. These products are formulated to effectively clean cages without posing harm to your pets. It's always essential to read labels carefully and choose cleaners specifically designed for small animal habitats to ensure their safety and well-being.

Are there any cage cleaners that also help prevent pest infestations?

Yes, some cage cleaners may contain ingredients or properties that help deter pests, but this varies by product. It's important to check the labels and product descriptions for specific information on pest prevention. For effective pest control, combining proper cleaning practices with appropriate pest prevention measures is recommended.